Monday, April 24, 2006

Sabreen lyrics

Kohl (Ala Fein, lyrics Talal Heidar)
This earth is swinging
Swaying this way and that
It's so very light
It can be carried by two. And tiny
doves can cross it
in two days
So I thought it yet to come...
She knocked on Time's door
to ask if two nights, long lost
Were his
He offered her two days
And told me not to say
That the nights are now kohl in the eyes

Mayyala (Ala Fein, lyrics Talal Heidar)
La, la, uncle Lala
There's a woman named Mayyala
Come from a distant village
Come to sing her mawwal
People saddened her so
To sit in her shadow she did go
I planted her, as a willow tree
And so embarrassed was she

On Man (Smoke of the Volcano, words Mahmoud Darwish)
They gagged his mouth,
Bound his hands to the rock of the dead
And said: Murderer!

They took his food, clothes and banners,
Cast him into the condemned cell
And said: Thief!
They drove him away from every port,
Took his young sweetheart,
Then said: Refugee!

O you with bloodshot eyes and bloody hands,
Night is short-lived,
The detention room lasts not for ever,
Nor yet the links of chains.
Nero died, Rome did not:
With her very eyes she fights.
And seeds from a withered ear
With wheat shall fill the valley.

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